Friday, 14 July 2017

Same, same and some different.

Between work commitments and home commitments the last few months really got away from me! What have we been doing? Heaps, and not much, and more of the usual, and lots of different things. Get the picture?

We went to an emu and stag farm near Bright. The girls loved it, they had so much fun feeding the animals.  Miss F (1.5yrs) is now completely in love with emus and loves watching YouTube videos of them.  Emu's running, emu's sticking their heads into petrified tourists cars, emu's chasing cyclists, emu's eating - I have to admit they're pretty funny to watch eat!

Miss M (3.5yrs) has taken it upon herself to teach Miss F everything, yep, everything.  So our car drives consist of Miss M saying things like "F can you say blue?", then Miss F says something that sounds like blue (sort of), and Miss M say "great! OK, now can you say yellow" etc.  She is teaching her colours and number and lots of random words along the way.

Also in the past few months I've come to realisation that I am currently housing more fat on my body than ever before - yay for achievements hey! So we have been doing lots more outside things, like walking and riding. Our favourite walk at the moment is around the local lake.  The girls love spotting all the birds, especially the odd pelican and watching the ducks dive under to catch a fish.

Sometimes the girls sit in the pram, sometimes on their iPads, sometimes they ride their bikes.  Miss M loves her balance bike - she's getting pretty good at it now too.  Balance and co-ordination are not in her list of talents, so it's good to see her gradually mastering something like a balance bike.

The other day when we walked around the lake a group of guys had some remote controlled speed boats on the lake. Usually that sort of noise would have Miss M curled up in a ball terrified. But to my surprise she was completely fascinated and loved watching them go around and around.  We stood at the end of the pier for a while and watched them speed past.  Talking about how each one was different and watching how they sprayed water behind them.  We left with Miss M deciding she really wants a blue and red one (her favourite colours at the moment).

In the last few months we also got a small aquarium in the dinning room, just with a few gold fish.  The girls love it.  At first two fish died, so we had some very superficial conversations about death.  As Miss M is very literal and logical in her thinking we didn't want to say anything made up about death - like they go to a garden, or a big ocean to play etc.  We just said that the fish had died and is no longer alive, and maybe a few other things.  We put the poor fishy in the bin and she seemed ok with that.  So far, I'm sure it'll come up in conversation again one day.

We've had some lovely days with lego.  Miss M likes to meticulously build little cities and gardens.  Miss F likes to throw the lego and destroy Miss M's creations.

A fabulous friend recently bought the girls these magnetic construction shapes.  They are brilliant! The girls have played with them for almost two days solid.  Making cars, houses, snakes, random shapes.  Miss F has had a great time spreading them throughout the house finding all the things that they will stick to, and again, destroying Miss M's creations.

The ongoing themes with Miss M are still continuing.  She is still in love with anything oceanic, especially octopuses and sharks.  She loves telling us all about them, what they eat, how they breathe, what type they are.  There's a YouTube video of an octopus solving problems, and getting through mazes with locks on doors - it's a favourite of ours.  It's amazing how a big squishy lump can be so intelligent.

We frequently have to google things to see what they are made of.  Last week we had to look up what glass is made of.  Miss M asked if it was wood or plastic or perhaps wool? Apparently they're the basis for everything solid! For those playing at home it's made out of sand and lime.  We spent ages watching videos of glass being made and glass blowing.  Such a beautiful art.
