Friday, 10 March 2017

Baby birds, flour, and pretend bones!

Today was another fun day of random stuff! While playing ball with the dog in the back yard we discovered that Miss F (18 months old) now knows "up" and "down".  Had a great time watching her point up and down as we threw the ball.

Miss M (3.5yrs) loves anything oceanic the moment, but she hates colouring in pictures, she will draw, but not colour in something already drawn.  So to encourage this a little, the other day, my wonderful wife made some fish and seaweed and other sea creatures for the girls to colour in.  They got blue tacked to some blue card.  Now the daily game is to move them around as if they are swimming and moving.  In true aspie style Miss M puts them all back in exactly the same place after she's finished playing with them.  Miss F's fun is to randomly move them throughout the day just to see if her older sister notices!

The playdoh came out today - because I couldn't think of anything else to do(and we love playdoh)! I made some little balls and Miss M made a nest and put the balls inside, then asked me to make a bird.  She played 'house' with the bird and pretended the eggs were hatching.  Then she wanted to know what baby birds eat "do baby birds eat nutrigrain?".  Nope, they don't.  So we found a you tube video of a nest with eggs. It was a time lapse over a week or so.  It was amazing to watch the little birds grow more feathers and the finally learn to fly.  We talked about the mummy bird feeding the baby birds chewed up worms and insects. So Miss M made some playdoh worms for her mummy bird to feed her babies.

While I cleaned the kitchen the girls spent an hour crawling around the house with 'bones' (wooden spoons - shhhh don't tell my wife!) in their mouths pretending to be dogs.  It was fantastic! An entire hour of no fighting.  The (real) dogs were a bit put out though, as they got kicked off their beds.  

Snitzels for dinner tonight.  In our house that means drawing pictures and rolling around in flour that has been thrown on the floor from my flour bowl when my back was briefly turned (and i 'don't see').  Tonight the girls ended up painting each other and my legs white with flour while i cooked. That counts as  home ec / food and nutrition education right? 

Thanks for tuning in.  I'm off to clean the kitchen - again! 😀

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