Friday, 1 September 2017

Writing, art and bedtimes.

One of the many things I hear from people unconvinced or unsure of homeschooling, or more specifically unschooling, is "how will they learn to read and write if you don't teach them?".  And I understand the reasons for their questioning.  They were once taught these things, like myself, we were all 'taught' to read and write in school.  I got my pen license as I'm sure most of us did.  But one of the beautiful things I love about unschooling is watching kids be so completely pleased with themselves for learning something ALL ON THEIR OWN.  Not because I'm a wonderful teacher, patient to the end, or have amazing resources to teach things in fantastic ways.  But because the child themselves has noticed that there is something they don't know how to do, and then they set out to conquer it.  And conquer it they shall.

Well Miss M (3.5yrs old) has focused her self solidly on numbers and counting, as well as letters, including the alphabet and writing.  WRITING! This is a child who we (the Occupational therapist and I) were worried about how she was still fist gripping the colouring pencils.  Well that phase has gone - and we really didn't 'do' much to help her there.  She has a near perfect grip on whatever writing implement she is using.

The writing started with a few random apps on the iPad I found, they had fun ways of encouraging letters.  They have been on the iPad for ages and just recently has she started enjoying them.

This progressed the other day to Miss M asking me to write her name for her on the white board on our fridge (once used for a shopping list, now just a daily reminder of our lack of organisation!).  I obliged and she pushed a chair in front of the fridge and wrote her name underneath, and it looked pretty good too.  Definitely a proud mummy moment! (And yes it is still on the whiteboard!).  

It is a challenge to keep Miss F (2 yrs old ) still when you're trying to dress her or change a nappy, so we have resorted to singing counting songs or the alphabet.  Both of the girls love it.  Miss F just sings along random noises that sounds similar.  Miss M seems to be actually enjoying the learning and is linking them back to words and other games with letters.  Any book that has a picture of more than one thing has the story paused to count them. 

The other theme that seems to be in this house lately is art and painting.  Miss M has told me this week that she wants to be an "auntist"! 

We were lucky enough to recently have a rock painting session at a local playground.  Well isn't that just the bees knees! Miss F really couldn't care less - unless she can throw them.  But Miss M has completely fallen in love with painting things.  She's painted rocks, and shells, and wooden animal toys, and I don't know what else!

The rocks have ended up having an extra use.  Miss M being ASD is REALLY bad at looking for things.  Something can be right in front of her and she just won't see it.  Directions are useless - like "look up a bit" " look down" " behind you" " near your foot" "near the cupboard".  They just have her spinning in circles and looking at the roof.  So practicing finding things is a great idea - and even better... the girls love it! So I hide the rocks in one area of the house or garden and then they run around crazy style trying to find them and put them in their little baskets.  Then we count them all to see if we found them all.  What a wonderful game! It's awesome how much learning came from a game we came up with together after painting rocks! 

Where's Wally has also been great for getting Miss M to look and find things.  We had a lovely time one day last week while Miss F napped looking through this picture.  

This also had us talking about all the different sports on an athletics field and then YouTubing some olympic action.  Miss M was fascinated with the javelin and high jump.  We talked about the amount of training and practice the athletes need to be so good at their sport.  

Miss F is all about colours lately.  The easiest way to keep her from destroying something is to give her something with a lot of colours and get her to match them.  She loves it! Buttons. Pom poms. Whatever I can find.  

Here I got an ice cube tray and put a row of different coloured pom poms down one side and got her to find a matching coloured pom pom for the other side.  After one round she was off and played with these by herself for about 20 mins.  Then they got thrown and kicked all over the house! 

My struggle for this month is bedtimes.  I hate them.  I hate being the grumpy nag just constantly telling them to get back in bed, or lie down.  Even if I'm managing to do it calm and gently putting them back in bed, its driving me nuts. I hate that they often take until 10pm to go to sleep.  This is the time I get to sit down and do something I enjoy without worrying about anyone else.  Just a little part of my day for me.  So when the girls take most of that up fighting with sleep it drives me nuts. So we're going to stop the nag and give them books and a lamp and check in on them regularly and see if they need different books.  While I feel this will work well for Miss M, who is a bit older than Miss F, I think Miss F may still manage to push my buttons.  But lets see how it goes hey! 

For the moment they are both asleep, so I'm off to do some colouring in of my own! 😀

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