There's two in the middle there - a house and a weird bird like thing - they were drawn in an iPad app and then I printed them. It took me ages to figure out how to print them - little bit proud of myself for figuring it out. There would be heaps more up there...but we ran out of ink. And then came the massive negotiation to take down the old art and put up the new... parenting should be an automatic qualification for an entry level lawyer or hostage negotiator!
Miss M also loves to draw on skin. Her skin, her sister's skin, my skin. Loves it. So sometimes we let her, and sometimes we find her covered in paint, or texta, looking like a blue smurf (it's usually blue) or a tiger with stripes. Often when I'm tired (blaming the shift work here) and the girls are wanting attention, I'll lie down and give them a texta and a leg each - keeps the occupied for ages and I can doze with a lovely tickling massage on my legs. Lol!! Parenting win right there!
This was a very intricate design of a caterpillar becoming a beautiful butterfly. 💜
We also love playdoh - lately however we have run out of playdoh and just haven't got around to making any more (in truth I keep forgetting to add "salt" to the shopping list). However I found this stuff at Spotlight (how much do we love spotlight!), this amazing air drying clay. We made christmas tree ornaments (although we forgot to add them to the tree this year - maybe next year?) which the girls can paint next time they want to paint something random, and some beads that we can paint and turn in to a necklace one day. The clay is a bit gooey and the girls both took a while getting used to it leaving a brown slimy cover on their hands, but it was heaps of fun once they got over that.
Also found at spotlight was a kit that made super hero masks (it was all felt and could probably be done cheaper just buying the stuff not the kit - will try that next time). Miss F (2) needed some help with hers, but Miss M enjoying being completely independent and even made me one. Once they dried the game of 'catch the villain' started and they literally ran around in circles trying to catch each other.
I took a photo with all of us wearing our masks and smiling - it makes it look like we haven't been arguing all morning doesn't it? Love how photos are deceptive like that. 😀

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