Today was a crappy mummy day. No, seriously, it was. I felt like a crappy mummy today. I am sure we all have those days. I can't possibly be the only one that gets to the end of some days and has a list a mile long of the things I wish I had done differently, better. And then a smaller list of the things I did ok. Today was one of those days.
I yelled. A lot. Every time the girls fought, I yelled. Every time they argued over something, I yelled and removed the something. Yeah, totally a gentle and respectful parenting day. NOT! And then I cried, from dinner time onwards. I cried and put myself to bed, way before the girls were ready for bed. I cried until my beautiful three year old came and laid on me and asked for Netflix. (I know, totally different world than when I grew up, my three year old knows Netflix!). So then we watched Netflix together in my bed for a bit, all three of us cuddled up together, tired and grumpy. Then when I realised that the girls were getting restless and tired, I helped them move to their beds and go to sleep. (I'd love to have them fall asleep with me watching a movie, but it just doesn't work for these two).
What were we watching? Shrek. We were watching Shrek. He always makes me smile.
Even better it was "Shrek forever after" were he gets sick of the same day repeating over and over with his wife and triplets, and wishes for a day, just a day, to be like it was before them. And he spent the entire day trying to get them back.
I totally get this movie. It is my day. My crappy mum day. There are moments I would sign any bit of random paper, with whatever ridiculous hidden catches, just to have a day on my own (seriously if you haven't seen the movie, you really should). Then there are moments - tonight that moment came when my three year old just laid down on me and cuddled me - where I would move heaven and earth to keep them near me.
My excuse for being a crappy mum today? Oh, who needs one! Really? Ok. So, lets see.... I've had a week of really awful sleeps thanks to having two kids sick all week. I'm thinking they've given me their germs also, starting to get that familiar tickle in my throat. And we've been home for three days. They were not quite well enough to go out anywhere, but were not sick enough to rest up on the couch. So that means they were crabby and grumpy and generally awful to each other because they felt awful.
I did pretty well for the first two days. I was calm. We had some fun and then some quiet time when they could no longer cope with the fun. I even did not too bad for the first part of today. Then their fighting got to me. Seriously, I went to hang out a load of washing (which I had just washed by hand because our washing machine has died. 😩) and I come back in to the sound of screaming to find Miss M and Miss F duelling with the mop and broom.
Anyway. There is always excuses or reasons, things in life that push you closer to the edge and make it harder to not loose your plot and yell, harder to stay the loving calm parent you want to be. It is what it is. Today was a crappy mummy day. It's not every day.
So at the end of the day, I hug my babies. We talk about being grumpy and how we still love each other even though today was a really hard day to not be grumpy and yell at each other (they did their share of yelling). We talk about how everyone has bad days. Today was one of mummy's bad days. We talk about how everyone needs to practice how to be grumpy without upsetting other people, because it is ok to have grumpy days, but not really ok to yell at everyone all day. And we hope that tomorrow will be an easier day, and that after a good sleep maybe we won't all feel so awful and grumpy.
So shrug off your crappy mummy (or dad) days, tomorrow is another day to try again. 💗